4 min read
Women of today are more independent than ever before, often putting off having children and a family, in favor of pursuing a career. And while this highlights the way in which women’s role in society continues to evolve, tragically, there is still evidence of abuse, mistreatment, and marginalization of women in certain areas of the world. For example, it was not until June 24, 2018 that Saudi Arabia issued the first ever driver’s license for a woman. Indeed, it says in Ecclesiastes 1:9 that “there is nothing new under the sun.” No matter how you define a woman of today, the Bible is as relevant for her now as it was for the women who laid hold of first edition King James Bibles.
In the first pages of the Bible we see that, of all that God created, only men and women were created in his likeness. First Adam was formed from the dust of the earth, and then God breathed into the man’s nostrils to bring him to life. Later, Eve was formed by God from Adam’s rib. God created us as male and female and gave clear indication that men and women have equal personhood, and deserve equal respect and dignity.
As the first woman, Eve’s role was, foremost, to be a suitable helper and companion for Adam. She was just what Adam needed. God explained the dynamics of marriage in Genesis 2:24:
“Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.”
Of course, it is the role of women to give birth to children, today, as always. Children are commanded by God to honor both the mother and father, so that their days may be long (Exodus 20:12).
The first written Bibles contained the Old Testament and have been around since the early 6th century, according to historians. The New Testament was written in the 1st century AD to tell about the arrival of God’s Son on the earth, and to fix the problem of sin that began in the Garden of Eden.
Because our roots and revelation about who God is are relevant, the Old Testament is, as well. The fulfillment of God’s plan for all of mankind is revealed in the New Testament, and what book could be more relevant than that?
While society still objectifies women in countless ways, the Bible demonstrates that women are more than objects to be admired. Peter wrote to women in 1 Peter 3:3-4:
“Do not let your adorning be external—the braiding of hair and the putting on of gold jewelry, or the clothing you wear— but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God's sight is very precious.”
Paul also elevated women to positions of honor that exceeded anything the world had ever known, such as in Ephesians 5 and 1 Corinthians 11.
He tells, for example, of how marriage is a picture of the mystery of the union of Jesus Christ and the church, His bride.
The Bible has infinite value to all of us, male and female alike. This is The Book in which God expounds the Truth. The Old Testament includes a reference to Jesus starting in Genesis 3:15, and the entire book points to a need for a Savior. God wanted a real family. It was necessary to give people a choice as to whether or not to return His love through obedience, and sin had entered the world quickly. We learn in the New Testament that God provided the covering for our sin by sending his own Son to die in our place.
We have been redeemed but not so that we can do what we feel like doing or what we design in our own hearts. God calls us to be His people. The Bible demonstrates clearly that blessings belong to those who put their faith in God and who follow Jesus.
The Bible is the Truth that can set us free from all that would rob us of wholeness and eternal joy. It says in John 8:32, “And you shall know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
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8 min read
Bible study shirts can help you spread messages of love and share your faith in God. Whether your group meets at home, church, or school, we have t-shirts that are appropriate for every occasion.
Of our 100+ Christian apparel designs, this article features 11 of our personal favorites for Bible study! For more ideas or accessories like tote bags and cross necklaces, be sure to browse our entire online catalog.
9 min read
Encouragement is one of the most important ways to reach and connect with others. It is how we build each other up in faith, hope, and love.
If each one of us makes it a priority to help our loved ones feel comfortable, safe, and inspired to grow in their relationship with God, the world would be a much better place. That is because, with encouragement, people feel appreciated and supported. They feel emboldened to be the best versions of themselves. They take more risks, learn more skills, and build the confidence to impact their communities for good.
8 min read
Do you want to showcase your faith in a trendy and stylish way? If so, then you need to check out our selection of cool Christian shirts! These tees are perfect for believers of all ages who want to express their faith to the world around them.
Whether you’re looking for a cool and casual t-shirt to wear on a Sunday morning or a more dressy look to pair with a cardigan, we’ve got you covered. Our cool Christian shirts come in a variety of styles, colors, and designs so you can find the perfect one that matches your unique personality and fashion sense.
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Kathy Maxwell
July 22, 2018
Thank you!!! I love this statement: "We have been redeemed but not so that we can do what we feel like doing or what we design in our own hearts. God calls us to be His people. The Bible demonstrates clearly that blessings belong to those who put their faith in God and who follow Jesus. "