1 min read
It brings great joy to everyone here at Corinthian's Corner to continue to grow our sponsorships with Compassion International.
A couple months back we began supporting Mikha from Indonesia as well as Ini from Burkina Faso. And earlier this week, we added Daniel from Colombia and Rachel from Indonesia to our family.
We have now partnered with Compassion to release 8 beautiful children from a life of hopeless poverty, in Jesus' name. Our letters with the children are incredibly heartwarming and we feel beyond blessed to be able to provide this much needed aid.
As always, we thank the continued support of our loyal customers for enabling Corinthian's Corner to give back in this way.
Peace and blessings,
Corinthian's Corner
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8 min read
Bible study shirts can help you spread messages of love and share your faith in God. Whether your group meets at home, church, or school, we have t-shirts that are appropriate for every occasion.
Of our 100+ Christian apparel designs, this article features 11 of our personal favorites for Bible study! For more ideas or accessories like tote bags and cross necklaces, be sure to browse our entire online catalog.
9 min read
Encouragement is one of the most important ways to reach and connect with others. It is how we build each other up in faith, hope, and love.
If each one of us makes it a priority to help our loved ones feel comfortable, safe, and inspired to grow in their relationship with God, the world would be a much better place. That is because, with encouragement, people feel appreciated and supported. They feel emboldened to be the best versions of themselves. They take more risks, learn more skills, and build the confidence to impact their communities for good.
8 min read
Do you want to showcase your faith in a trendy and stylish way? If so, then you need to check out our selection of cool Christian shirts! These tees are perfect for believers of all ages who want to express their faith to the world around them.
Whether you’re looking for a cool and casual t-shirt to wear on a Sunday morning or a more dressy look to pair with a cardigan, we’ve got you covered. Our cool Christian shirts come in a variety of styles, colors, and designs so you can find the perfect one that matches your unique personality and fashion sense.
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